Gospel Order

Healthy Recipes

Unleavened Bread


  • 2 cup entire wheat flour (ground fine)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 2/3 cups of purest vegetable oil (olive)
  • 2/3 cups of cold water

Add the salt to the oil in a round bowl, and pour in the water in a very slow stream, beating constantly with a fork until thick and white ( a temporary emulsion).

Pour onto the flour all at one, and mix lightly into a dough. turn out on a floured board and knead, folding it over and over to inclose air, untill quite elastic, which take about 5 or 6 minutes. Roll out to the thickness of pie crust, mark with a dull knife into 3/4 inch squares, lay in a baking pan, and bake in a medium slow oven, or at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid browning it, except a slight tinge, as browning gives it a strong flavor.

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Cooking is no mean science, and it is one of the most essential in practical life. It is a science that all women (and men) should learn, and it should be taught in a way to benefit the poorer classes. To make food appetizing and at the same time simple and nourishing, requires skill; but it can be done. Cooks should know how to prepare simple food in a simple and healthful manner, and so that it will be found more palatable, as well as more wholesome, because of its simplicity.

- Ministry of Healing, page 302