457 BC
DECREE TO RESTORE JERUSALEM: 457 B.C.—Artaxerxes, king of Persia, commanded the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:25; Ezra 6:1, 6-12.) Beginning of the 2300 years.
"Prophecies fulfilled have become facts of history, clearly defining our position" Review and Herald, November 29, 1881 (vol 1, page 297 col 3).
"The unfulfilled predictions of the book of Revelation are soon to be fulfilled" Notebook Leaflets, page 96. (Lt 210, 1903)
DECREE TO RESTORE JERUSALEM: 457 B.C.—Artaxerxes, king of Persia, commanded the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:25; Ezra 6:1, 6-12.) Beginning of the 2300 years.
JERUSALEM REBUILT: 408 B.C.—The reconstruction and restoration of Jerusalem carried to completion during the first 49 years of Daniel's long time prophecy. The work was finished in 408 B.C. (Daniel 9:25.)
CHRIST ANOINTED AS MESSIAH AT HIS BAPTISM: A.D. 27 —Jesus, anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism, began to preach and to teach. (Matthew 3:16; Acts 10:38.) From 457 B.C. to Christ the "anointed," 483 years.
CHRIST CRUCIFIED: A.D. 31 —Messiah "cut off" "in the midst of the week," A.D. 31, after three and one-half years of blessed ministry. (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 27:50, 51.) The remaining three and a half years of the seventieth week bring us to the close of the four-hundred-ninety year period allotted to the Jewish people.
STONING OF STEPHEN: A.D. 34 —Stoning of Stephen. From that time the gospel was preached to the Gentiles. (Daniel 9:24; Acts 7:54-58; 8:1.) From 457 B.C. to "the times of the Gentiles," 490 years.
CLEANSING OF THE SANCTUARY BEGINS IN HEAVEN: A.D. 1844 —End of the 2300 years. Cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary in the hour of God's judgment. (Daniel 8:14; Revelation 14:7.)
JUDGMENT HOUR MESSAGE BEGINS ON EARTH: A.D. 1844 —The threefold message of Revelation 14:6-12 heralded to all the world, just before Christ's second coming.
Immaculate Conception theory of RCC proclaimed – Dan 7:11, 11:38
SDA Church forms
Latter Rain – Zech 10:1 – AT Jones/ EJ Waggoner preach “Righteousness by Faith that is rejected by SDA church
Blair amendment (Sunday law bill)
EGW ask’s GC to stop and reorganize. They agree to, but never make changes
SDA church reorganizes and steps off platform of truth
Scofield’s Ref. Bible with Jesuit Ribera’s Futurist view of Antichrist included
“Our lady of Fatima” Vatican ignores – 1John 4:1 / Demonic apparition identifies itself as the Roman Catholic theorized “Immaculate Conception”
SDA Bible Conference “qualifies SOP”. Declares EGW is not a prophet
SDA church starts to plant churches unbiblically. Church growth plummets
Lateran treaty signed by GAsparri and Mussolini making Vatican a church and state once again / Mortal wound is healed – Rev 13:3
SDA church changes baptismal vows. Trinity added to doctrine. Dropped the word “pope” when preaching on Antichrist / SDA changes made 1 year after pope’s in power
SDA church literally changes religion -1SM 204-205
Vatican II
SDA church gives Gold medal to Pope / SDA church ordains women pastors
SDA church trademarks name
US Ambassador to Vatican / Pope & Reagan shot
Communism Falls – Daniel 11:40 / Pope & Reagan work together to topple Communism
Celebration movement
Communism Falls – Daniel 11:40 / Pope & Reagan work together to topple Communism
Pope opens door “Jubille”
Like Apostles, the Christians will be in “one accord” to begin present work for Christ – Phil 2:2 / Satan counteracts by causing global calamities
Twin Towers Destroyed – 9T 12, 13
Saints pray fervently for Christ’s arrival
Image of the Beast given life in USA thru the 501c3 – Rev 13:15
Counterfeit second coming of Christ occurs – 2Thes 2:3-12
Law to prevent buying and selling – Rev 13:17
Children of God being seald -Rev 7:2-3 (Wicked are being marked- Rev 13:16)
World hears Gospel – Mat 24:14
Many more martyrs begin to die – Rev 20:4
Satan performs many miracles – Mat. 24:24
Four angels start to withdraw (Calamities start to occur globally)
DEATH DECREE Bill is PASSED – Rev 13:15 (Martyrdom stops) (END OF EARLY TIME OF TROUBLE)
Probation ends – Rev 22:11 (PLAGUES BEGIN – Rev. 16:1-21 - Rev 18:8 – one day/year)
DEATH DECREE ENFORCED last 2 weeks (rev 17:12-14) of plagues 6 (Jacob’s trouble – Jer 30:7)
Jesus Christ Returns! – Rev 1:7-8 (matt 24:36)
1000 years begin – Rev 20:1-6
Wicked are raised – Rev 20:5 (Satan is set free – Rev 20:7)
New Jerusalem comes to earth – Rev 21:2 (All the Wicked are destroyed – Rev 20:9
Earth made brand new – Rev 21:1 (Earth will then be home of the Almighty Godhead. His children will be about Him. And Heaven will be on Earth.