Gospel Order

Bible Study for Kids

"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. " 2 Timothy 3:15


Please click the lesson below or choose format (.pdf or .doc) then download and print each study.

Lesson #1 Title Ages 10-12 Ages 7-9 Ages 3-6
Activity 1 The Creation pdf /doc pdf /doc pdf /doc
Activity 2 The Fall Of Man pdf /doc pdf /doc pdf /doc
Activity 3 Cain And Abel pdf /doc pdf /doc
Activity 4 Noah and the Ark pdf /doc pdf /doc pdf /doc
Activity 5 The Call Of Abraham pdf /doc pdf /doc pdf /doc
Lesson #2 Title Ages 10-12 Ages 7-9 Ages 3-6
Activity 1 Abraham And Sarah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 2 Abraham And Isaac pdf pdf pdf
Activity 3 Isaac And Rebekah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 4 Jacob & Esau pdf pdf pdf
Activity 5 Jacob's Ladder pdf pdf pdf
Activity 6 Joseph pdf pdf pdf
Activity 7 Moses pdf pdf pdf
Activity 8 Moses In Egypt pdf pdf pdf
Activity 9 Moses In The Red Sea pdf pdf pdf
Activity 10 The Ten Commandments pdf pdf pdf
Lesson #3 Title Ages 10-12 Ages 7-9 Ages 3-6
Activity 1 Nadab And Abihu - Priest Garments pdf pdf pdf
Activity 2 The 12 Spies pdf pdf pdf
Activity 3 Mirriam's Leprosy pdf
Activity 4 Story Of Korah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 5 Aaron's Rod pdf pdf pdf
Activity 6 Moses: Water From The Rock pdf pdf pdf
Activity 7 Bronze Serpents pdf pdf pdf
Activity 8 Balaam pdf pdf pdf
Lesson #4 Title Ages 10-12 Ages 7-9 Ages 3-6
Activity 1 David the Shepherd Boy pdf pdf pdf
Activity 2 David And Goliath pdf pdf pdf
Activity 3 David And Jonathan pdf pdf pdf
Activity 4 David And Saul pdf pdf pdf
Activity 5 Saul Rejected By God pdf pdf pdf
Activity 6 David The King pdf pdf pdf
Activity 7 Uzzah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 8 Mephibosheth pdf pdf pdf
Activity 9 Solomon pdf pdf pdf
Activity 10 Solomon Fails pdf pdf pdf
Lesson #5 Title Ages 10-12 Ages 7-9 Ages 3-6
Activity 1 Elijah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 2 Elijah And Time Of No Rain pdf pdf pdf
Activity 3 Elijah On Mt. Carmel pdf pdf pdf
Activity 4 The Fiery Chariot pdf pdf pdf
Activity 5 Pot Of Oil pdf pdf pdf
Activity 6 Shunamite Woman pdf pdf pdf
Activity 7 Captain Naaman pdf pdf pdf
Activity 8 Elisha And Chariots of Fire pdf pdf
Activity 9 Elijah And The 4 Lepers pdf pdf
Activity 10 Elijah And The Floating Ax pdf pdf pdf
Activity 11 Joash The Boy King pdf pdf pdf
Activity 12 King Hezekiah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 13 Israel Captive By Assyria pdf pdf pdf
Activity 14 Josiah pdf pdf pdf
Activity 15 Josiah And The Book Of Law pdf pdf pdf
Activity 16 The Fall Of Judah pdf pdf
**Special thanks and credit to Sis. Bhed by putting all these Bible stories activity materials together. Praise God!

SDR Kids Bible Study Books

Many thanks to Bro. Joe and Sis. Katie - Praise the Lord!

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The Way To Pray

"I don't know what to say." This is often said by children when their parents urge them to pray in their own words.

  • But when they are sick, they can tell their parents how they feel;
  • when they are hungry, they can ask them for food;
  • when they are injured, they can find words to make their complaints to them;
  • when they are grieved, they can tell them their sorrows.

Now if they would believe that God is their heavenly Father, as willing to hear their complaints, and supply their wants, as the kindest earthly parents can be, they would not complain any longer of want of words.

- Taken from YI July 1853, Vol. 1, No. 10

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